Data Manipulation

Code for Quiz 5 More Practice with dplyr functions

  1. Load the R packages we will use.

2.Read the data in the file, drug_cos.csv in to R and assign it to drug_cos

drug_cos <- read_csv("")
  1. Use glimpse() to get a glimpse of our data.
Rows: 104
Columns: 9
$ ticker       <chr> "ZTS", "ZTS", "ZTS", "ZTS", "ZTS", "ZTS", "ZTS"~
$ name         <chr> "Zoetis Inc", "Zoetis Inc", "Zoetis Inc", "Zoet~
$ location     <chr> "New Jersey; U.S.A", "New Jersey; U.S.A", "New ~
$ ebitdamargin <dbl> 0.149, 0.217, 0.222, 0.238, 0.182, 0.335, 0.366~
$ grossmargin  <dbl> 0.610, 0.640, 0.634, 0.641, 0.635, 0.659, 0.666~
$ netmargin    <dbl> 0.058, 0.101, 0.111, 0.122, 0.071, 0.168, 0.163~
$ ros          <dbl> 0.101, 0.171, 0.176, 0.195, 0.140, 0.286, 0.321~
$ roe          <dbl> 0.069, 0.113, 0.612, 0.465, 0.285, 0.587, 0.488~
$ year         <dbl> 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,~
  1. Use distinct() to subset distinct rows.
drug_cos %>%
# A tibble: 8 x 1
1  2011
2  2012
3  2013
4  2014
5  2015
6  2016
7  2017
8  2018
  1. Use count() to count observations by group
drug_cos %>%
# A tibble: 8 x 2
   year     n
  <dbl> <int>
1  2011    13
2  2012    13
3  2013    13
4  2014    13
5  2015    13
6  2016    13
7  2017    13
8  2018    13
drug_cos %>%
# A tibble: 13 x 2
   name                        n
   <chr>                   <int>
 1 AbbVie Inc                  8
 2 Allergan plc                8
 3 Amgen Inc                   8
 4 Biogen Inc                  8
 5 Bristol Myers Squibb Co     8
 6 ELI LILLY & Co              8
 7 Gilead Sciences Inc         8
 8 Johnson & Johnson           8
 9 Merck & Co Inc              8
10 Mylan NV                    8
11 PERRIGO Co plc              8
12 Pfizer Inc                  8
13 Zoetis Inc                  8
drug_cos %>%
  count(ticker, name)
# A tibble: 13 x 3
   ticker name                        n
   <chr>  <chr>                   <int>
 1 ABBV   AbbVie Inc                  8
 2 AGN    Allergan plc                8
 3 AMGN   Amgen Inc                   8
 4 BIIB   Biogen Inc                  8
 5 BMY    Bristol Myers Squibb Co     8
 6 GILD   Gilead Sciences Inc         8
 7 JNJ    Johnson & Johnson           8
 8 LLY    ELI LILLY & Co              8
 9 MRK    Merck & Co Inc              8
10 MYL    Mylan NV                    8
11 PFE    Pfizer Inc                  8
12 PRGO   PERRIGO Co plc              8
13 ZTS    Zoetis Inc                  8

Use filter() to extract rows that meet criteria

  1. Extract rows in non-consecutive years.
drug_cos %>%
  filter(year %in% c(2013, 2018))
# A tibble: 26 x 9
   ticker name     location   ebitdamargin grossmargin netmargin   ros
   <chr>  <chr>    <chr>             <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>
 1 ZTS    Zoetis ~ New Jerse~        0.222       0.634     0.111 0.176
 2 ZTS    Zoetis ~ New Jerse~        0.379       0.672     0.245 0.326
 3 PRGO   PERRIGO~ Ireland           0.236       0.362     0.125 0.19 
 4 PRGO   PERRIGO~ Ireland           0.178       0.387     0.028 0.088
 5 PFE    Pfizer ~ New York;~        0.634       0.814     0.427 0.51 
 6 PFE    Pfizer ~ New York;~        0.34        0.79      0.208 0.221
 7 MYL    Mylan NV United Ki~        0.228       0.44      0.09  0.153
 8 MYL    Mylan NV United Ki~        0.258       0.35      0.031 0.074
 9 MRK    Merck &~ New Jerse~        0.282       0.615     0.1   0.123
10 MRK    Merck &~ New Jerse~        0.313       0.681     0.147 0.206
# ... with 16 more rows, and 2 more variables: roe <dbl>, year <dbl>
  1. Extract every other year from 2012 to 2018
drug_cos %>%
  filter(year %in% seq(2012, 2018, by = 2))
# A tibble: 52 x 9
   ticker name    location   ebitdamargin grossmargin netmargin    ros
   <chr>  <chr>   <chr>             <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 ZTS    Zoetis~ New Jerse~        0.217       0.64      0.101  0.171
 2 ZTS    Zoetis~ New Jerse~        0.238       0.641     0.122  0.195
 3 ZTS    Zoetis~ New Jerse~        0.335       0.659     0.168  0.286
 4 ZTS    Zoetis~ New Jerse~        0.379       0.672     0.245  0.326
 5 PRGO   PERRIG~ Ireland           0.226       0.345     0.127  0.183
 6 PRGO   PERRIG~ Ireland           0.157       0.371     0.059  0.104
 7 PRGO   PERRIG~ Ireland          -0.791       0.389    -0.76  -0.877
 8 PRGO   PERRIG~ Ireland           0.178       0.387     0.028  0.088
 9 PFE    Pfizer~ New York;~        0.447       0.82      0.267  0.307
10 PFE    Pfizer~ New York;~        0.359       0.807     0.184  0.247
# ... with 42 more rows, and 2 more variables: roe <dbl>, year <dbl>
  1. Extract the ticker “PFE” and “MYL”
drug_cos %>%
  filter(ticker %in% c("PFE", "MYL"))
# A tibble: 16 x 9
   ticker name     location   ebitdamargin grossmargin netmargin   ros
   <chr>  <chr>    <chr>             <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>
 1 PFE    Pfizer ~ New York;~        0.371       0.795     0.164 0.223
 2 PFE    Pfizer ~ New York;~        0.447       0.82      0.267 0.307
 3 PFE    Pfizer ~ New York;~        0.634       0.814     0.427 0.51 
 4 PFE    Pfizer ~ New York;~        0.359       0.807     0.184 0.247
 5 PFE    Pfizer ~ New York;~        0.289       0.803     0.142 0.183
 6 PFE    Pfizer ~ New York;~        0.267       0.767     0.137 0.158
 7 PFE    Pfizer ~ New York;~        0.353       0.786     0.406 0.233
 8 PFE    Pfizer ~ New York;~        0.34        0.79      0.208 0.221
 9 MYL    Mylan NV United Ki~        0.245       0.418     0.088 0.161
10 MYL    Mylan NV United Ki~        0.244       0.428     0.094 0.163
11 MYL    Mylan NV United Ki~        0.228       0.44      0.09  0.153
12 MYL    Mylan NV United Ki~        0.242       0.457     0.12  0.169
13 MYL    Mylan NV United Ki~        0.243       0.447     0.09  0.133
14 MYL    Mylan NV United Ki~        0.19        0.424     0.043 0.052
15 MYL    Mylan NV United Ki~        0.272       0.402     0.058 0.121
16 MYL    Mylan NV United Ki~        0.258       0.35      0.031 0.074
# ... with 2 more variables: roe <dbl>, year <dbl>

Use ’select()` to select, rename and reorder columns

  1. Select columns ticker, name and ros
drug_cos %>%
  select(ticker, name, ros)
# A tibble: 104 x 3
   ticker name             ros
   <chr>  <chr>          <dbl>
 1 ZTS    Zoetis Inc     0.101
 2 ZTS    Zoetis Inc     0.171
 3 ZTS    Zoetis Inc     0.176
 4 ZTS    Zoetis Inc     0.195
 5 ZTS    Zoetis Inc     0.14 
 6 ZTS    Zoetis Inc     0.286
 7 ZTS    Zoetis Inc     0.321
 8 ZTS    Zoetis Inc     0.326
 9 PRGO   PERRIGO Co plc 0.178
10 PRGO   PERRIGO Co plc 0.183
# ... with 94 more rows
  1. Use select to exclude columns ticker, name and ros
drug_cos %>%
  select(-ticker, -name, -ros)
# A tibble: 104 x 6
   location          ebitdamargin grossmargin netmargin   roe  year
   <chr>                    <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 New Jersey; U.S.A        0.149       0.61      0.058 0.069  2011
 2 New Jersey; U.S.A        0.217       0.64      0.101 0.113  2012
 3 New Jersey; U.S.A        0.222       0.634     0.111 0.612  2013
 4 New Jersey; U.S.A        0.238       0.641     0.122 0.465  2014
 5 New Jersey; U.S.A        0.182       0.635     0.071 0.285  2015
 6 New Jersey; U.S.A        0.335       0.659     0.168 0.587  2016
 7 New Jersey; U.S.A        0.366       0.666     0.163 0.488  2017
 8 New Jersey; U.S.A        0.379       0.672     0.245 0.694  2018
 9 Ireland                  0.216       0.343     0.123 0.248  2011
10 Ireland                  0.226       0.345     0.127 0.236  2012
# ... with 94 more rows
  1. Rename and reorder columns with select
drug_cos %>%
  select(year, ticker, headquarter =location, netmargin, roe)
# A tibble: 104 x 5
    year ticker headquarter       netmargin   roe
   <dbl> <chr>  <chr>                 <dbl> <dbl>
 1  2011 ZTS    New Jersey; U.S.A     0.058 0.069
 2  2012 ZTS    New Jersey; U.S.A     0.101 0.113
 3  2013 ZTS    New Jersey; U.S.A     0.111 0.612
 4  2014 ZTS    New Jersey; U.S.A     0.122 0.465
 5  2015 ZTS    New Jersey; U.S.A     0.071 0.285
 6  2016 ZTS    New Jersey; U.S.A     0.168 0.587
 7  2017 ZTS    New Jersey; U.S.A     0.163 0.488
 8  2018 ZTS    New Jersey; U.S.A     0.245 0.694
 9  2011 PRGO   Ireland               0.123 0.248
10  2012 PRGO   Ireland               0.127 0.236
# ... with 94 more rows

question: filter and select

Use inputs from your quiz question filter and select and replace ABBV, ZTS, AMGN with the inputs from your quiz and replacing netmargin in the code

drug_cos %>%
  filter(ticker %in% c("ABBV", "ZTS", "AMGN")) %>%
  select(ticker, year, netmargin)
# A tibble: 24 x 3
   ticker  year netmargin
   <chr>  <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 ZTS     2011     0.058
 2 ZTS     2012     0.101
 3 ZTS     2013     0.111
 4 ZTS     2014     0.122
 5 ZTS     2015     0.071
 6 ZTS     2016     0.168
 7 ZTS     2017     0.163
 8 ZTS     2018     0.245
 9 AMGN    2011     0.236
10 AMGN    2012     0.252
# ... with 14 more rows

Question: rename

drug_cos %>%
  filter(ticker %in% c("PFE", "BMY")) %>%
  select(ticker, ebitdamargin, return_on_equity = roe)
# A tibble: 16 x 3
   ticker ebitdamargin return_on_equity
   <chr>         <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 PFE           0.371            0.114
 2 PFE           0.447            0.179
 3 PFE           0.634            0.279
 4 PFE           0.359            0.12 
 5 PFE           0.289            0.105
 6 PFE           0.267            0.116
 7 PFE           0.353            0.342
 8 PFE           0.34             0.162
 9 BMY           0.285            0.229
10 BMY           0.141            0.131
11 BMY           0.222            0.177
12 BMY           0.178            0.132
13 BMY           0.144            0.104
14 BMY           0.322            0.292
15 BMY           0.286            0.072
16 BMY           0.292            0.373
  1. select ranges of columns
drug_cos %>%
# A tibble: 104 x 3
   ebitdamargin grossmargin netmargin
          <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>
 1        0.149       0.61      0.058
 2        0.217       0.64      0.101
 3        0.222       0.634     0.111
 4        0.238       0.641     0.122
 5        0.182       0.635     0.071
 6        0.335       0.659     0.168
 7        0.366       0.666     0.163
 8        0.379       0.672     0.245
 9        0.216       0.343     0.123
10        0.226       0.345     0.127
# ... with 94 more rows
drug_cos %>%
# A tibble: 104 x 3
   ebitdamargin grossmargin netmargin
          <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>
 1        0.149       0.61      0.058
 2        0.217       0.64      0.101
 3        0.222       0.634     0.111
 4        0.238       0.641     0.122
 5        0.182       0.635     0.071
 6        0.335       0.659     0.168
 7        0.366       0.666     0.163
 8        0.379       0.672     0.245
 9        0.216       0.343     0.123
10        0.226       0.345     0.127
# ... with 94 more rows
  1. select helper functions
drug_cos %>%
  select(ticker, contains("locat"))
# A tibble: 104 x 2
   ticker location         
   <chr>  <chr>            
 1 ZTS    New Jersey; U.S.A
 2 ZTS    New Jersey; U.S.A
 3 ZTS    New Jersey; U.S.A
 4 ZTS    New Jersey; U.S.A
 5 ZTS    New Jersey; U.S.A
 6 ZTS    New Jersey; U.S.A
 7 ZTS    New Jersey; U.S.A
 8 ZTS    New Jersey; U.S.A
 9 PRGO   Ireland          
10 PRGO   Ireland          
# ... with 94 more rows
drug_cos %>%
  select(ticker, starts_with("r"))
# A tibble: 104 x 3
   ticker   ros   roe
   <chr>  <dbl> <dbl>
 1 ZTS    0.101 0.069
 2 ZTS    0.171 0.113
 3 ZTS    0.176 0.612
 4 ZTS    0.195 0.465
 5 ZTS    0.14  0.285
 6 ZTS    0.286 0.587
 7 ZTS    0.321 0.488
 8 ZTS    0.326 0.694
 9 PRGO   0.178 0.248
10 PRGO   0.183 0.236
# ... with 94 more rows
drug_cos %>%
  select(year, ends_with("margin"))
# A tibble: 104 x 4
    year ebitdamargin grossmargin netmargin
   <dbl>        <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>
 1  2011        0.149       0.61      0.058
 2  2012        0.217       0.64      0.101
 3  2013        0.222       0.634     0.111
 4  2014        0.238       0.641     0.122
 5  2015        0.182       0.635     0.071
 6  2016        0.335       0.659     0.168
 7  2017        0.366       0.666     0.163
 8  2018        0.379       0.672     0.245
 9  2011        0.216       0.343     0.123
10  2012        0.226       0.345     0.127
# ... with 94 more rows

Use group_by to set up data for operations by group

  1. group_by
drug_cos %>%
# A tibble: 104 x 9
# Groups:   ticker [13]
   ticker name     location   ebitdamargin grossmargin netmargin   ros
   <chr>  <chr>    <chr>             <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>
 1 ZTS    Zoetis ~ New Jerse~        0.149       0.61      0.058 0.101
 2 ZTS    Zoetis ~ New Jerse~        0.217       0.64      0.101 0.171
 3 ZTS    Zoetis ~ New Jerse~        0.222       0.634     0.111 0.176
 4 ZTS    Zoetis ~ New Jerse~        0.238       0.641     0.122 0.195
 5 ZTS    Zoetis ~ New Jerse~        0.182       0.635     0.071 0.14 
 6 ZTS    Zoetis ~ New Jerse~        0.335       0.659     0.168 0.286
 7 ZTS    Zoetis ~ New Jerse~        0.366       0.666     0.163 0.321
 8 ZTS    Zoetis ~ New Jerse~        0.379       0.672     0.245 0.326
 9 PRGO   PERRIGO~ Ireland           0.216       0.343     0.123 0.178
10 PRGO   PERRIGO~ Ireland           0.226       0.345     0.127 0.183
# ... with 94 more rows, and 2 more variables: roe <dbl>, year <dbl>
drug_cos %>%
# A tibble: 104 x 9
# Groups:   year [8]
   ticker name     location   ebitdamargin grossmargin netmargin   ros
   <chr>  <chr>    <chr>             <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>
 1 ZTS    Zoetis ~ New Jerse~        0.149       0.61      0.058 0.101
 2 ZTS    Zoetis ~ New Jerse~        0.217       0.64      0.101 0.171
 3 ZTS    Zoetis ~ New Jerse~        0.222       0.634     0.111 0.176
 4 ZTS    Zoetis ~ New Jerse~        0.238       0.641     0.122 0.195
 5 ZTS    Zoetis ~ New Jerse~        0.182       0.635     0.071 0.14 
 6 ZTS    Zoetis ~ New Jerse~        0.335       0.659     0.168 0.286
 7 ZTS    Zoetis ~ New Jerse~        0.366       0.666     0.163 0.321
 8 ZTS    Zoetis ~ New Jerse~        0.379       0.672     0.245 0.326
 9 PRGO   PERRIGO~ Ireland           0.216       0.343     0.123 0.178
10 PRGO   PERRIGO~ Ireland           0.226       0.345     0.127 0.183
# ... with 94 more rows, and 2 more variables: roe <dbl>, year <dbl>

Use summarize to calculate summary statistics

  1. Maximum roe for all companies
drug_cos %>%
  summarize(max_roe = max(roe))
# A tibble: 1 x 1
1    1.31
drug_cos %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  summarize(max_roe = max(roe))
# A tibble: 8 x 2
   year max_roe
  <dbl>   <dbl>
1  2011   0.451
2  2012   0.69 
3  2013   1.13 
4  2014   0.828
5  2015   1.31 
6  2016   1.11 
7  2017   0.932
8  2018   0.694
drug_cos %>%
  group_by(ticker) %>%
  summarize(max_roe = max(roe))
# A tibble: 13 x 2
   ticker max_roe
   <chr>    <dbl>
 1 ABBV     1.31 
 2 AGN      0.184
 3 AMGN     0.585
 4 BIIB     0.334
 5 BMY      0.373
 6 GILD     1.04 
 7 JNJ      0.244
 8 LLY      0.306
 9 MRK      0.248
10 MYL      0.283
11 PFE      0.342
12 PRGO     0.248
13 ZTS      0.694

Question: Summarize

Mean for year

drug_cos %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  summarize(mean_ros = mean(ros)) %>%
  filter(year == 2016)
# A tibble: 1 x 2
   year mean_ros
  <dbl>    <dbl>
1  2016    0.253

Median for year

drug_cos %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  summarize(median_ros = median(ros)) %>%
  filter(year == 2016)
# A tibble: 1 x 2
   year median_ros
  <dbl>      <dbl>
1  2016      0.286
  1. Pick a ratio and a year and compare the companies
drug_cos %>%
  filter(year == 2018) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = netmargin, y = reorder(name, netmargin))) +
  geom_col() +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
  labs(title = "comparison of net margin",
       subtitle = "for drug companies during 2018",
       x = NULL, y = NULL) +

  1. Pick a company and a ratio and compare the ratio over time.
drug_cos %>%
  filter(ticker == "PFE") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = netmargin)) +
  geom_col() +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
  labs(title = "comparison of net margin",
       subtitle = "for Pfizer from 2011 to 2018",
       x = NULL, y = NULL) +
ggsave(filename = "preview.png",
       path = here::here("_posts", "2021-03-08-data-manipulation"))